I've decided, since I know that at least two people have viewed my blog, that I'll make it more readable for them. I had sort of let it be a place to record my projects for myself, but I have designs out there that are going to be published, and I'd love to have people looking at them and knitting them. And those that I don't intend to publish elsewhere I'll make available here.
First, Cherry Tree Hill had a call for designs recently, and voting will be next week. I'll let you all know about that. I have submitted two tiny projects for that. I had to knit quick and easy projects, and here's what I came up with:
This is a cute little hat, written for several sizes. It features cute bobbled points all around. An easy knit, in my book. I have lots of ideas for little hats, and lots of little heads to try them on. This is in Supersock Select, DK in Wild Cherry.
These are short leg warmers, with a lovely spiral rib that is so snug and stretchy at the same time. I love the way the yarn colors spiral up. This is in Supersock Select, DK in Moody Blues.
I also have The Clovers due to be published for sale by The Sanguine Gryphon in the not too distant future, as I posted yesterday. I'm working out the kinks in the charts and knitting up the sample, and learning a lot in the process!

So I have another shawl pattern and a cardigan and a scarf all in the works--and I'm going to knit along with the BadCat for the Valentine shawl (or at least I'll cast on.
Final knitting news--I have nearly finished my test knit of the Klose Knit Sweater. I'm on the last cuff and then just have to block and seam. And another test knit is on its way. I'm knitting a man's Norwegian sweater for Donna Druchunas. I'm looking forward to that. I'm not sure I'll be volunteering for too much test knitting after that--I have filled my plate with knitting projects for the foreseeable future.
Knit away!
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