Denise has asked for 25 random facts. This is not going to be easy. Do they have to be about me? Well here's my not really random list of facts about myself:
1. I love her Fiore di Melanzana shawl (link is to Anne Hanson's pattern shop), and am just dying to buy some Tupelo Honey from the Woolen Rabbit--even went to the web site.
2. I am an oboist (or have been--I actually put it aside when I became pregnant with #4. He is now 23 months old, and knitting is taking up the time that had been available for music.
3. I am learning violin along with my children.
4. My nine-year-old daughter is way, way, ahead of me--so far ahead that it is unlikely I'll ever catch up. I mean, who has that kind of practice time?
5. There are four of them (children, that is). She's the oldest.
6. I've knit for about 35 years (that is, most of my life), and crocheted for about 20 (about half of my life).
7. Crafty-fibery things are my delight--but who reading this blog would not also say that?
8. Books are just as delightful in a different way.
9. I earn money in the publishing industry as a freelance copyeditor and proofreader, which means I spend a lot of time looking up rules.
10. I almost never follow a pattern the way it's written.
11. I almost never follow a recipe the way it's written.
12. I taught music, English, and French at a private middle school for 5 years.
13. I would rather be going to university again than almost anything. And not for the social life--for the academic life.
14. Rehearsing is the best part of playing in an orchestra. (Now I know that's an opinion, but it sure feels like fact when you're in the middle of things)
15. Performances are pretty great too.
16. After playing first oboe in Beethoven's 7th symphony, it was okay to stop. That was the one piece that really mattered. And I have a recording of my performance.
17. The kids are homeschooled.
18. My mother-in-law lives half a mile away. And she loves to help with the children.
19. January to May is the busiest time of the year for me, work wise--I have three books to edit in February alone.
20. My first shawl pattern, The Clovers, will be published by The Sanguine Gryphon. Yippee.
21. I'm knitting up the sample now.
22. Birgit is testing it for me, and boy am I grateful for that!
23. Charting a pattern on the computer is much more difficult than just drawing it up and knitting it.
24. Copyediting academic English is nothing like editing a knitting pattern. The reverse is also true.
25. Zodiac: Libra. Chinese horoscope: Monkey.
Just to end, I'll show you the three oldest, at Halloween:

1 comment:
There is no way that I'm the first commenter! No way!
It's funny isn't it that just because no one comments we assume no one is reading.
An oboist huh? And a violinist! That's way cool. Strings and wind. I'm in awe of AWE!
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