Saturday, August 25, 2012

Giveaway Number One--Beautiful Tools

As part of my independent fund-raising campaign in support of the Vermont Youth Orchestra Association, I am giving away this set of two Tibetan style supported spindles and a lap bowl, custom made for me this summer by Neal Brand.  These are made of Tulipwood and Ebony.  They have never been used. I only unwrapped them long enough to take these photos, and then put them back in the box they came in. Together, these are valued at $140.

To understand why I am giving away these beautiful tools, please read this post, Extending the Giving Circle.

This description of the spindles is from Mr. Brand's Etsy shop, where you can also see more and better photos:

"These are two Tibetan style support spindles and a matching lap bowl. They are used to spin yarn. The larger spindle is approximately 11 inches long, its diameter is approximately 1.75 inches and it weighs 1.4 ounces (40 grams). The smaller one is approximately 8.5 inches long, its diameter is approximately 1.7 inches and it weighs 1.3 ounces (37 grams). Tulipwood was used to make the whorl and the shaft was made of ebony. Tulipwood is native to Brazil and ebony is from West Africa. I finished the spindle with carnuba wax."

I purchased these spindles for my own use. I waited nearly two months for them, as Mr. Brand's work is in high demand, and custom work takes time.  During those two months, I realized that with certain changes in my work life it is unlikely that I will be able to actually learn on these spindles as I had intended to. It would be months before I could get to them, and that just seems silly. Since in the meantime I had decided to independently raise funds for the VYOA, it makes sense to me that I should give up these beautiful tools as part of that campaign.

So, this is how it works:

The giveaway recipient will be determined by a random drawing, using this online  random number generator, on September 9, 2012, sometime in the morning, EST. I will announce the winner on September 9, and will post the spindles within a week of the announcement, as soon as I have contacted the recipient and confirmed the mailing address.  I will ship them anywhere in the world, but I will not be able to cover insurance for shipping. If the recipient would like insurance, we can likely work that out.

To have your name entered in the drawing, please go to the VYOA website and make a donation to this wonderful organization by 12:01 am EST on September 9.  Then forward a copy of your donation receipt to me at

For every $5 donation, your name will be entered once. Donate $25, and your name goes "in the pot" five times, and so on.

I'd love it if you would help spread the word about the giveaway.

As I have never done this kind of thing, this first giveaway is limited to one item, to keep things small simple. I plan a much bigger giveaway in September, if all goes well with this one, so do check back.
Thanks so much!

Update: 8-26-12 The VYO has received $15 in donations so far. Not as much as I would like, but it's a start. Now to try to talk it up without irritating people, eh?

8-27-12  I am so happy to say that the  VYO has now received $55 in donations.  I'd be delighted if we could at least raise the value of the spindles, but I'm happy for any amount.

Also, today, August 27th, is the Vermont Youth Philharmonia's first full concert! My daughter, who is 12, gets to play Wagner, Copland, and Bizet. What a wonderful thing! I am unable to go to the concert myself as I have to stay home with the boys. It's my husband's turn to enjoy.

8-28-12 update--we're up to $110.  Getting there! (I'd love to raise at least the value of the spindles, but I'm delighted we've gotten this far.)

8-30-12 update--we're up to $170. Yay!

9-2-12 update--donations have reached $190. Wouldn't it be great to pass $200?  I'm hopeful! Thanks so much to you all!

9-5-12  Up to $225 today.  And I realized I'll be driving Sophia to orchestra rehearsal Sunday, so the drawing will be in the morning on Sunday September 9. Yay!

This is a great opportunity to give to an organization that helps not only musical children, but also their communities now and in the future, as the gift of music does keep on giving.  I realize however, that not everyone is in a position to donate. If you are a support spindler and would like to have your name entered in the giveaway but can't afford to donate just now, please e-mail me at the address above, and I will enter your name in the drawing. All I ask is a bit of history about your personal history with spinning or with music.

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