The beautiful blue--it really does seem to flow like a river--the colorway is River Run, also the name of the lovely pattern. The yarn is
Almaza, tencel, which I've been interested in trying. The beads are a deep purply blue irridescent and this looks like one fun project. The kit is from
Just Our Yarns. Thanks so much to Just Our Yarns, and to the prize maven at the Seasons of Lace. I feel so lucky!
Other things I've been working on: My merino silk cardigan is only one sleeve cap away from done--as far as the knitting goes. Then blocking, seaming, and figuring out exactly how to finish it.
Smaller projects I've made up over the last two weeks include:

toddler socks knit in Jojoland Rhythm/

Entrelac scarf in Jojoland Rhythm.

Crochet cap in Misti Alpaca Handpaint Bulky. Gorgeous yarn, gorgeous cap, but it doesn't look right on me, so I also made:

Lamb's Pride Bulky crochet cap. This one suits me very well. I love the shape and the color is flattering.

I also started a pair of cute pink socks for Sophia, which made Dante wonder when I was finally going to make this. The wooly crown cap, in the adult small size. I don't think I have ever knit a pattern as written twice, not even my own pattern. I left out the bobbles on this one because I'm going to let Dante have fun decorating it. More on that later. I also was too lazy to go upstairs and get some yarn and a crochet hook for a provisional cast on, so there is an unsightly line between the brim and the points. Well it may be unsightly now, but I realized that would happen, and that's what made me think of my decorating idea. So it was my laziness that inspired what is going to be a really cool crown. When he gets to it. Seven-year-olds are busy!
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