Yes, those are crochet hooks,the smallest ones all loaded with five or six beads ready to go. My friend Dave Paul, from the Merlin Tree made this for me. I love it! The hooks are far enough apart so you can easily grasp an individual hook. The holes are big enough for all of the crochet hooks I would use for beading. And there are eleven of them. That's up to 66 beads loaded and ready to go at one time. Fun! Dave will be at Maryland Sheep and Wool and at Rhinebeck. He makes and sells the Hitchhiker spinning wheel, and he also made me a lovely hand spindle.
I finished a pair of socks this week. Make that two pairs of socks. And last week I finished Miriam's skirt, and it is gorgeous. But can I show it to you? No. I was unable to do photos or to wash and dry it properly (don't have a washer or dryer). So I'll get photos from Miriam one of these days. I've finished a sleeve on my cardigan, and am working on an entrelac scarf for Miriam, out of Jojoland Rhythm. It's my first try at entrelac, and it's going just fine.
So that's the knitting news. Designs are in the works, but I have to finish a couple of projects before I'll allow myself to cast on for a more complicated project.
I have found, though, that simple projects go a long way toward maintaining sanity. Thus, I was able to knit a pair of toddler socks Sunday, while I was watching the toddler. That works for me.
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