During the Hurricane on Sunday, Fintan started this hat. He actually finished it on Tuesday. The bottom section is a skein of Noro that he picked out at the yarn shop--good taste, I have to say. The top skein is some Malabrigo worsted someone sent me recently that just happens to work colorwise. He kept saying "I like knitting!" and "Look at my hat!" He started a second hat today, working with the malabrigo and another partial skein of malabrigo in a green similar to the green in this hat. Somehow he managed to knit these yarns at 4 stitches an inch on size 6 US needles. Needless to say, this hat is for Dad. We cut the stitch count by 20 for the second hat.

And today Sophia learned the bind-off I use for lace and blocked her first shawl. The pattern is Multnomah--easy enough, even though it appears to have some mathematical errors. The yarn is mini mochi--2 skeins. She did a beautiful job. She still has to work on cleaning up after herself and putting my tools away if she hopes to block another shawl in the future.

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