I cast on a sweater for Dante--this one will fit! It's a Norwegian style drop-shoulder pullover in size 38." I'm using Teksrena wool in blue/black and New England Shetland from Harrisville designs, in natural. I'll just be striping all the way up, although I'm tempted to figure out a little something for the yoke. We'll see.

These socks are Clockwork Cable from Ann Budd's Getting Started Knitting Socks, with quite a few changes to accomodate the recipient and the yarn, which is Sanguine Gryphon's Skinny Bugga in Black Witch Moth. I really do love this yarn.

And here is one half of Gnarled Oakwoods in progress, in an amazing cashmere sportweight that makes me want this project to last forever. The other piece looks exactly the same. I'm a bit short on yardage, so I'll cut out the last repeat of the middle panel, and I'll block the shawl more widthwise than lengthwise. Should be perfect.